Pediatric Vaccines A Clinical Decision Support Chart

Image of the book cover for 'Pediatric Vaccines'
Author: American Academy of Pediatrics
Publisher: American Academy of Pediatrics
Publication Date: 2021
ISBN 10: 161002463X
ISBN 13: 9781610024631
eISBN: 9781610024648
Edition: 1st
This handy visual aid guides clinicians in discussions with patients and parents about the importance of vaccines, the diseases they help prevent and the various vaccines recommended. The chart includes infographics and clinical images to help illustrate why vaccines remain important in preventing diseases. Vaccines covered include influenza, varicella (chickenpox), human papillomavirus, polio, meningitis, and much more. The chart also includes information for health care professionals about the origin and nature of the diseases and current recommendations for vaccine schedules. In addition, it provides steps to take when a child or community is exposed to a potential infection, including prophylaxis and reporting to local health departments.
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