Fundamentals of Paramedic Practice A Systems Approach This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Fundamentals of Paramedic Practice'
Author: Sam Willis, Roger Dalrymple
Affiliation: University of Tasmania, Sydney, Australia
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Publication Date: 2020
ISBN 10: 1119462959
ISBN 13: 9781119462958
eISBN: 9781119462972
Edition: 2nd
Driven by changes to clinical practice, new evidence-based research, and shifts in global economics and politics, the field of paramedic science is rapidly evolving. This new edition of Fundamentals of Paramedic Practice offers students and recently qualified practitioners an accessible and comprehensive introduction to paramedic science and pre-hospital care, providing expert and up-to-date guidance on the essential theories and real-world practice of this dynamic area of emergency medicine.
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