Concept Mapping A Clinical Judgment Approach to Patient Care

Image of the book cover for 'Concept Mapping'
Author: Pamela Schuster, PhD, FNP-BC
Publisher: F.A. Davis Company
Publication Date: 2020
ISBN 10: 0803694733
ISBN 13: 9780803694736
eISBN: 9780803694743
Edition: 5th
*Provides the tools needed to construct care plans for any patient, in any setting, based on accepted standards of care. *Introduces critical thinking early in the curriculum. *Works with or without nursing diagnoses. *Saves time and improves clinical performance. *Emphasizes reasoning, improvising, and individualizing patient care. *Teaches how to identify patient needs, then organize, prioritize, and implement care quickly. *Establishes the relationships between medical and nursing diagnoses, physical assessment data, treatments, medications, laboratory data, and history data. *Makes concept mapping easy to understand and implement with… **Case studies that let you practice creating a care map. **Templates for creating a concept care map.
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