Foundations of Clinical Research Applications to Evidence-Based Practice

Image of the book cover for 'Foundations of Clinical Research'
Author: Leslie Portney, DPT, PhD, FAPTA
Publisher: F.A. Davis Company
Publication Date: 2020
ISBN 10: 0803661134
ISBN 13: 9780803661134
eISBN: 9781719642477
Edition: 4th
*Conceptual descriptions of analytic procedures used in EBP as well as tables that demonstrate simple calculations *Algorithm for choosing a statistical procedure based on a study’s design *Diagrams that help students understand experimental and observational design variations *Guidelines for critical appraisal of various types of studies *Focus on sensitivity/specificity and likelihood ratios, number needed to treat, and measuring clinically meaningful change *Special features that illustrate how research applies to practice, including, “Case-in Point,” “Fun Facts,” “Historical Notes,” and end-of-chapter ‘take-away’ commentaries from the author
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