Wound Management This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Wound Management'
Author: Betsy Myers, MHS, MPT, OCS, CLT, CWS
Affiliation: St. John Health System, Tulsa, OK
Publisher: Pearson Health Science
Publication Date: 2012
ISBN 10: 0131395246
ISBN 13: 9780131395244
eISBN: 9780132737036
Edition: 3rd
WOUND MANAGEMENT: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES, 3/e is the most complete, up-to-date wound management learning resource for clinicians and students. It first reviews the basic science of wound care, including normal tissue anatomy, wound healing, and factors that adversely affect healing. Next, it covers examinations and interventions for patients with open wounds, including holistic patient management. It then focuses on specific wound types, including arterial and venous insufficiency ulcers, pressure ulcers, neuropathic ulcers, and burns. Pedagogical tools include: key terms, chapter objectives, tables, figures, photographs, checkpoint and review questions, extensive documentation practice, and detailed case studies. This edition is extensively updated for current research and practice, and adds new coverage of lymphedema and billing/documentation, as well as a new website containing many new learning resources.
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