Cancer and the Heart This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Cancer and the Heart'
Author: Michael Ewer, MD, JD, PhD
Publisher: PMPH USA, Ltd
Publication Date: 2019
ISBN 10: 1607952971
ISBN 13: 9781607952978
eISBN: 9781607959649
Edition: 3rd
In Cancer and the Heart, third edition, Dr. Ewer and colleagues at MD Anderson are joined by national and international authorities who contributed to the 28 chapters of this volume. The various authors present their insights into the effects of anticancer drugs and radiation treatment on the heart, and other organ systems. Discussions are advanced on imaging strategies and techniques with an emphasis on specific clinical problems experienced by physicians and their patients. Readers will find a useful reference intended to help them recognize the decision-making dilemmas they face providing optimal tumor management, and a useful resource to help them and their cancer patients cope with inevitable challenges.
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