Fundamentals of Law for Health Informatics and Information Management This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Fundamentals of Law for Health Informatics and Information Management'
Author: Melanie Brodnik, PhD, MS, RHIA, FAHIMA, Laurie Rinehart-Thompson, JD, RHIA, CHP, FAHIMA, Rebecca Reynolds, EdD, MHA, RHIA, FAHIMA
Affiliation: Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Publisher: American Health Information Management Association
Publication Date: 2017
ISBN 10: 1584265302
ISBN 13: 9781584265306
eISBN: 9781584265870
Edition: 3rd
Health law is a complex and rapidly-changing topic, and students studying health information management (HIM) or health informatics require the most current information to be prepared to achieve legal compliance in a professional context. This third edition of Fundamentals of Law for Health Informatics and Information Management contains new chapters on ethics and patient rights and responsibilities. It also includes updates to topics contained in earlier editions, including expanded HIPAA privacy and security chapters and new content on patient safety and legal proceedings. This book is ideal for courses specific to health informatics and information management education, but can also be used as key resource for health professionals, providers, and organizations, all of whom must comply with laws for protecting the privacy, confidentiality and security of patient information. The logical structure of the text walks the reader through the United States legal system, from basic legal proceedings to evidence, consent to treatment, corporate law, and ethical issues, and includes an emphasis on the importance of health information privacy and security requirements. An electronic student workbook contains discussion questions and application exercises. Instructor materials contain answers to the student workbook exercises and taxonomy levels, test bank, Check Your Understanding answer key, ethical scenarios for each chapter with answer key, and PowerPoint presentation slides.
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