Human Heredity Principals and Issues

Image of the book cover for 'Human Heredity'
Author: Michael Cummings
Publisher: Delmar Cengage Learning
Publication Date: 2016
ISBN 10: 1305251059
ISBN 13: 9781305251052
eISBN: 9781305480674
Edition: 11th
HUMAN HEREDITY presents the concepts of human genetics in clear, concise language and provides relevant examples that you can apply to yourself, your family, and your work environment. Author Michael Cummings explains the origin, nature, and amount of genetic diversity present in the human population and how that diversity has been shaped by natural selection. The artwork and accompanying media visually support the material by teaching rather than merely illustrating the ideas under discussion. Examining the social, cultural, and ethical implications associated with the use of genetic technology, Cummings prepares you to become a well-informed consumer of genetic-based health care services or provider of health care services.
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