Human Biology

Image of the book cover for 'Human Biology'
Author: Cecie Starr, Beverly McMillan
Publisher: Delmar Cengage Learning
Publication Date: 2016
ISBN 10: 1305112105
ISBN 13: 9781305112100
eISBN: 9781305445949
Edition: 11th
Clear, engaging, and visually compelling, Starr and McMillan's HUMAN BIOLOGY teaches you the core concepts of human biology and prepares you to make well-informed decisions in your life. Each chapter opens with an application that highlights the relevance of biology and motivates the study of the topic. You then learn basic concepts which help you think critically about these issues. Useful learning aids, such as section-ending "Take-Home Messages" and a running glossary help you understand key concepts. At the end of the chapter, "Your Future" and "Explore on Your Own" sections demonstrate the impact and personal relevance of the content on your life.
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