Sports Nutrition A Handbook for Professionals

Image of the book cover for 'Sports Nutrition'
Author: Christine Karpinski, PhD, RDN, CSSD, LDN
Publisher: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Publication Date: 2017
ISBN 10: 0880919752
ISBN 13: 9780880919753
eISBN: 9780880919760
Edition: 6th
The sixth edition of Sports Nutrition, a long-standing, renowned reference, offers timely research and evidence-based advice for health professionals working with athletes at all levels. Written and reviewed by esteemed sports registered dietitian nutritionists (RDNs) and other exercise experts, this edition incorporates theoretical and practical information and key takeaways designed for easy implementation in daily practice. Highlights include: 1. A brand new chapter discussing emerging opportunities in sports nutrition 2. Completely revised overview of exercise physiology, including a description of training principles 3. Strategies for a sports nutrition assessment with application of macro- and micronutrient recommendations 4. Updated population- and sports-specific recommendations, including new and in-depth discussion of considerations for various endurance events 5. Important focus on the scope of practice for sports RDNs
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