Gray's Anatomy The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Gray's Anatomy'
Author: Susan Standring, MBE, PhD, DSc, FKC, Hon FAS, Hon FRCS
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
Publication Date: 2016
ISBN 10: 0702052302
ISBN 13: 9780702052309
eISBN: 9780702068515
Edition: 41st
This 41st edition has been meticulously revised and updated throughout, reflecting the very latest understanding of clinical anatomy from field leaders around the world. The book’s traditional lavish art programme and clear text have been further honed and enhanced, while major advances in imaging techniques and the new insights they bring are fully captured in new state-of-the-art X-ray, CT, MR, and ultrasonic images. The completely reconfigured accompanying eBook version is richly enhanced with additional content and media, covering all the body regions, cell biology and embryogenesis. This unlocks a whole new level of related information, interactivity and understanding, in keeping with the spirit of innovation that has characterized Gray’s Anatomy since its inception.
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