Head and Neck Cancer This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Head and Neck Cancer'
Author: Dwight Heron, MD, Roy Tishler, MD, PhD
Affiliation: Oregon Health & Science University Knight Cancer Institute, Portland, OR
Publisher: Demos
Publication Date: 2011
ISBN 10: 1936287366
ISBN 13: 9781936287369
eISBN: 9781617050718
Edition: 1st
This issue of Radiation Medicine Rounds examines the latest advances in the use of radiation medicine in treatment of head and neck cancer. Head and neck cancer treatment has undergone major change over the course of the past few years and Head and Neck Cancer addresses current best practices in the light of the most recent evidence. All of the chapters are written by international experts in the field, address the common clinical scenarios in head and neck cancer and are multidisciplinary in scope. Chapters examining health services in head and neck cancer as well as factors influencing clinical decisions round out the coverage. Radiation Medicine Rounds features : In-depth, up-to-date expert reviews and analysis of major new developments in all areas of Radiation Medicine Each issue edited by an authority in that subject area Each issue focused on a single major topic in Radiation Medicine, providing coverage of advances in radiation science, radiation medicine technology, radiation medicine practice, and assessment of recent quality and outcome studies Series Description: Radiation Medicine Rounds is a review series providing a thorough analysis of new scientific, technologic, and clinical advances in all areas of radiation medicine. There will be an emphasis throughout on multidisciplinary approaches to the specialty, as well as an emphasis on quality and outcomes analysis. The goal is to provide authoritative, thorough assessment of a wide range of "hot topics" and emerging new data for the entire specialty of radiation medicine.
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