An Introduction to MRI for Medical Physicists and Engineers

Image of the book cover for 'An Introduction to MRI for Medical Physicists and Engineers'
Author: Anthony Wolbarst, Nathan Yanasak
Publisher: Medical Physics Publishing
Publication Date: 2019
ISBN 10: 193052420X
ISBN 13: 9781930524200
eISBN: 9781930524583
Edition: 1st
This introduction to the science and technology of MRI has been written at the beginning graduate level primarily for professional medical physicists and engineers in training. Others, such as physicians with physical science backgrounds, may well also find it to be of interest. From Devon Godfrey in Medical Physics International... "The authors manage to successfully take the reader on a journey from the discovery and fundamentals of NMR all the way to novel k- space sampling and advanced MR imaging sequences-and their underlying molecular physics-in a manner that is quite thorough, yet should be approachable even to a reader with limited prior MRI knowledge. I believe this will be an excellent source for graduate students and professionals alike, and intend to incorporate it into my own teaching." From Andrew Maidment in Medical Physics... "As with all of Wolbarst's books, the figures are of high quality, and I am sure they will find their way into many PowerPoint presentations in the future." This book will help readers understand not just the basics of MRI, but how recent variations on its original implementation have produced the many alternative interpretations of data that have made MRI such a powerful diagnostic tool. Several more advanced topics-like Fourier analysis, k-space, and statistical distributions-are introduced as they are needed.
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