Migraine Surgery

Image of the book cover for 'Migraine Surgery'
Author: Bahman Guyuron, MD, FACS
Affiliation: Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
Publisher: Thieme
Publication Date: 2018
ISBN 10: 1626236925
ISBN 13: 9781626236929
eISBN: 9781626237728
Edition: 1st
Approximately 12% of the US population suffers from severe and debilitating migraines, which often include neurological symptoms such as nausea and visual disturbance. Despite preventative and abortive pharmacologic treatment, one third of migraine patients continue to experience refractory headaches and persistent symptoms. Dr. Guyuron has pioneered and extensively tested surgical migraine treatment, or nerve decompression surgery, which has excellent results for treating and preventing migraines. Covering surgery for all types of migraine headache in addition to other treatment modalities, this book is a fundamental guide for surgeons interested in adding this procedure to their practice.
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