AUSCULTATION SKILLS: BREATH & HEART SOUNDS Breath And Heart Sounds This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'AUSCULTATION SKILLS: BREATH & HEART SOUNDS'
Author: LWW
Affiliation: LWW
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Publication Date: 2010
ISBN 10: 1605474541
ISBN 13: 9781605474540
eISBN: 9781469864983
Edition: 4th
Auscultation Skills: Breath and Heart Sounds, Fourth Edition offers full coverage of heart and breath sounds from the simple to the complex and provides a comprehensive text explaining heart and breath sound fundamentals including basic anatomy and physiology, best auscultation locations, tips on how to identify each sound, and what to document. This product offers practicing nurses, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants a solid basis for recognizing and differentiating among abnormal breath and heart sounds to help them accurately interpret what they hear and then apply that knowledge toward a proper diagnosis and treatment regimen. Tips and alerts abound throughout the book to help manage optimal care. A glossary of commonly used terms and abbreviations and an easy-to-read chart of common disorders matched with their specific abnormal breath and heart sounds add to the book's utility. Does not include access to multi-media.
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