EC Made Easy Your Key to Understanding EC, EM, and LS This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'EC Made Easy'
Author: JCR
Publisher: Joint Commission Resources
Publication Date: 2017
ISBN 10: 1599409925
ISBN 13: 9781599409924
eISBN: 9781599409931
Edition: 2nd
What do I absolutely need to know about the physical environment, emergency management, and life safety? That's what every new accreditation and facility manager-and their leaders-ask. The environment of care can be complex, but this toolkit makes it easy to understand. The second edition of EC Made Easy has been fully updated to reflect the adoption of the 2012 Life Safety Coder. Additionally, it reflects all the standards and survey process changes associated with The Joint Commission's Project REFRESH and the introduction of the SAFER Matrix. Available in print or as an e-book, EC Made Easy is aimed at three major audiences: accreditation professionals unfamiliar with environment of care requirements, new facilities directors, and leadership at various levels who want to know how best to support staff in this area. Applicable to all accreditation programs, it presents key concepts in clear, concise language and a colorful and easy-to-follow format. Dozens of tools are integrated into the core content.
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