Comprehensive Handbook of Pediatric Audiology

Image of the book cover for 'Comprehensive Handbook of Pediatric Audiology'
Author: Anne Tharpe, PhD, Richard Seewald, PhD
Publisher: Plural Publishing
Publication Date: 2017
ISBN 10: 1597566152
ISBN 13: 9781597566155
eISBN: 9781597569545
Edition: 2nd
The Comprehensive Handbook of Pediatric Audiology, Second Edition is the most wide-ranging and complete work of its kind, and has become the definitive reference in the specialty area of pediatric audiology. Content areas range from typical auditory development, to identification and diagnostic processes, to medical and audiologic management of childhood hearing and ear disorders. An interdisciplinary assembly of sixty-six internationally recognized experts from the fields of audiology, speech-language pathology, education, pediatric medicine, otology, and hearing science have contributed to this second edition. Building from the success of the first edition, and aligning with the evolution of the profession, this edition expands and deepens its coverage of early identification of hearing loss, etiology and medical considerations, and hearing technologies, especially implantable devices and the measurement of outcomes resulting from intervention.
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