Diagnostic Microbiology of the Immunocompromised Host

Image of the book cover for 'Diagnostic Microbiology of the Immunocompromised Host'
Author: Randall Hayden, Donna Wolk, Karen Carroll, Yi-Wei Tang
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Publication Date: 2016
ISBN 10: 1555819036
ISBN 13: 9781555819033
eISBN: 9781555819040
Edition: 2nd
Strategies for providing optimal care to this high-risk patient group The immunocompromised patient population is increasing throughout the world. Major advances in transplantation techniques have expanded access to lifesaving therapies and improved outcomes in these high-risk populations. An understanding of the biology of these infections, host conditions, and the limitations of technologies used to detect and quantify such pathogens is critical to optimal care. This new edition of Diagnostic Microbiology of the Immunocompromised Host covers all aspects of state-of-the-art diagnostics for infectious complications in the immunocompromised patient. Editors Randall Hayden, Karen Carroll, Yi-Wei Tang and Donna Wolk, assembled the contributions of a team of preeminent authors to discuss a broad range of topics.
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