Global Health Care Issues and Policies

Image of the book cover for 'Global Health Care'
Author: Carol Holtz, PhD, RN
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
Publication Date: 2022
ISBN 10: 1284175693
ISBN 13: 9781284175691
eISBN: 9781284175707
Edition: 4th
Global Health Care: Issues and Policies, Fourth Edition is a comprehensive resource for nursing students focused on critical and timely global health topics. Written by academic authors, scientists and health practitioners, the Fourth Edition provides students with a foundational knowledge of health policy issues from various geographical regions. The goal of this text is to impart a well-rounded perspective to how certain areas around the globe are oftentimes significantly impacted by world events. -- New coverage of global infectious diseases and non-communicable diseases -- Zika virus and the World Health Organization's fight against Ebola in the Congo -- New chapter on Native American health issues -- New content on global neurological health issues with specific coverage of pain management -- Overview of the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals -- Expanded content on child maltreatment and abuse -- Updated content on Occupational health
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