Nursing Ethics Across the Curriculum and Into Practice This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Nursing Ethics'
Author: Janie Butts, PhD, RN, Karen Rich, PhD, RN
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
Publication Date: 2020
ISBN 10: 1284170225
ISBN 13: 9781284170221
eISBN: 9781284170238
Edition: 5th
The fifth edition of Nursing Ethics: Across the Curriculum and Into Practice has been revised to reflect the most current issues in healthcare ethics including new cases, laws, and policies. The text continues to be divided into three sections: Foundational Theories, Concepts and Professional Issues; Moving Into Ethics Across the Lifespan; and Ethics Related to Special Issues focused on specific populations and nursing roles. The text includes legal features sections in most chapters, an expanded appendix of case studies with suggestions for discussion, and ethical reflections questions in each chapter. This new edition will also include an appendix focused on simulation suggestions, heavier coverage of ethics and terrorism, and stronger coverage of immigration and the importance of remaining unbiased a healthcare provider. Key Features: *Even more case studies, with recent legal/ethical cases *New appendix focused on simulation suggestions *Heavier focus on immigration and importance of remaining unbiased as a healthcare provider, ethics and terrorism *Update to national health insurance information *Update information on vaccines, polypharmacy and antipsychotic drugs
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