Essentials of the U.S. Health Care System This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Essentials of the U.S. Health Care System'
Author: Leiyu Shi, DrPH, MBA, MPA, Douglas Singh, PhD, MBA
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
Publication Date: 2019
ISBN 10: 1284156729
ISBN 13: 9781284156720
eISBN: 9781284156737
Edition: 5th
Essentials of the U.S. Health Care System, Fifth Edition is a clear and concise distillation of the major topics covered in the best-selling Delivering Health Care in America by the same authors. Written with the undergraduate in mind, Essentials of the U.S. Health Care System is a reader-friendly, well organized resource that covers the major characteristics, foundations, and future of the U.S. health care system. The text clarifies the complexities of health care organization and finance and presents a solid overview of how the various components fit together. The Fifth Edition examines the challenges of coverage, access, and the cost of health care, as well as the future of health care reform--including prospects for a single-payer system--in the context of the Affordable Care Act. Readers will gain the necessary tools to understand the unique dynamics of the U.S. health care system within the larger context of global health care.
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