Policies and Procedures for Infusion Therapy: Ambulatory Infusion Centers

Image of the book cover for 'Policies and Procedures for Infusion Therapy: Ambulatory Infusion Centers'
Author: Infusion Nurses Society
Publisher: Infusion Nurses Society
Publication Date: 2019
ISBN 10: 0996594868
ISBN 13: 9780996594868
Edition: 1st
While a patient's plan of care for infusion therapy often begins in the hospital, that care may transition to other practice settings. Ambulatory infusion centers offer an environment where patients who don't need to be hospitalized can safely, efficiently, and cost-effectively receive their therapies. In our effort to ensure safe, quality infusion patient care, the Infusion Nurses Society (INS) develops resources to guide clinicians in their practice. Better patient outcomes result when there is consistency in practice among health care professionals. Incorporating practices from the Policies and Procedures for Infusion Therapy: Ambulatory Infusion Centers provides the framework to do just that.
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