Medical Terminology in a Flash! A Multiple Learning Styles Approach This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Medical Terminology in a Flash!'
Author: Lisa Finnegan, PTA, ACCE, Sharon Eagle, RN, MSN
Publisher: F.A. Davis Company
Publication Date: 2016
ISBN 10: 0803643683
ISBN 13: 9780803643680
eISBN: 9780803646643
Edition: 3rd
The 3rd Edition of this popular text features an emphasis on meeting the needs of all learning styles by providing a visually rich text, an online learning program, and perforated/tear-out flash cards at the back of the book. The online learning program, theMedical Language Lab 2.0, is included with the text and comes with lecture videos and an integrated e-book. You'll discover how to make different studystrategies work for you, whether your preference for learning is auditory, visual, kinesthetic, oral-dependent, or writing-dependent learner.
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