Fundamental Laboratory Mathematics Required Calculations for the Medical Laboratory Professional This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Fundamental Laboratory Mathematics'
Author: Lela Buckingham, PhD, MB (ASCP), DLM (ASCP)
Affiliation: Rush University Medical Center, Chicago
Publisher: F.A. Davis Company
Publication Date: 2014
ISBN 10: 0803629494
ISBN 13: 9780803629493
eISBN: 9780803641020
Edition: 1st
Conquer the math skills essential for the laboratory... and reduce the anxieties math often induces! Step by step, skill by skill... you'll progress from simple to complex calculations, building your proficiencies and testing them along the way. Perfect for classroom, clinical, and professional success! Begin by reviewing the basics-algebra, scientific notation, and units of measure. Then, progress to dilutions and standard curve calculations and logarithms. You'll also find easy-to-understand explanations and real-world examples that show you how to apply what you've learned to enzyme chemistry, hematology, urinalysis, molecular biology, and molecular diagnostics.
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