Johns Hopkins Patients' Guide To Bladder Cancer This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Johns Hopkins Patients' Guide To Bladder Cancer'
Author: Mark Gonzalgo, MD, PhD,
Affiliation: Associate Professor of Urology and Director of Robotic-Assisted Urologic Cancer Surgery, Stanford University, California
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
Publication Date: 2011
ISBN 10: 0763774243
ISBN 13: 9780763774240
eISBN: 9781449610470
Edition: 1st
Johns Hopkins Patients' Guide to Bladder Cancer is a concise, easy-to-follow “how to” guide that puts you on a path to wellness by explaining bladder cancer treatment from start to finish. It guides you through the overwhelming maze of treatment decisions, simplifies the complicated schedule that lies ahead, and performs the task of putting together your plan of care in layman's terms. Empower yourself with accurate, understandable information that will give you the ability to confidently participate in the decision making about your care and treatment.
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