Introductory Statistics This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Introductory Statistics'
Author: Sheldon Ross
Affiliation: University of Southern California
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
Publication Date: 2010
ISBN 10: 0123743885
ISBN 13: 9780123743886
eISBN: 9780080922102
Edition: 3rd
In this revised text, master expositor Sheldon Ross has produced a unique work in introductory statistics. The text's main merits are the clarity of presentation, contemporary examples and applications from diverse areas. Ross provides a clear explanation of intuition and the ideas behind the statistical methods. To quote from the preface, "It is only when a student develops a feel or intuition for statistics that she or he is really on the path toward making sense of data." Ross achieves this goal through a coherent mix of mathematical analysis, intuitive discussions and examples.
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