A Nurse's Step-By-Step Guide to Academic Promotion & Tenure This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'A Nurse's Step-By-Step Guide to Academic Promotion & Tenure'
Author: Constance McIntosh, EdD, MBA, RN, Cynthia Thomas, EdD, MS, RNC, David McIntosh, PhD
Publisher: Sigma Theta Tau International
Publication Date: 2018
ISBN 10: 1940446880
ISBN 13: 9781940446882
eISBN: 9781940446899
Edition: 1st
Nurse's Step-by-Step Guide to Academic Promotion & Tenure is a practical guide to understanding and navigating the complex and often stressful tenure process. Using their combined 50 years of experience in higher education, authors Constance McIntosh, Cynthia Thomas, and David McIntosh demystify the promotion and tenure process by providing all the tools you need. Whether you are a beginning professor seeking promotion or on a tenure track, this book will ease readers' anxiety and help them: Increase scholarly productivity Maneuver through the IRB process Teach successfully in different settings and make the most of student evaluations Balance work and personal responsibilities and commitments Select your mentor Navigate the promotion and tenure review process Negotiate a new tenure or promotion agreement
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