Grabb and Smith's Plastic Surgery This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Grabb and Smith's Plastic Surgery'
Author: Charles Thorne, MD, Kevin Chung, MD, MS, Arun Gosain, MD, Geoffrey Gurtner, MD, Babak Mehrara, MD, J. Rubin, MD, Scott Spear, MD
Affiliation: NYU Medical Center, New York
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Publication Date: 2014
ISBN 10: 1451109555
ISBN 13: 9781451109559
eISBN: 9781469830773
Edition: 7th
Established for over 25 years as the standard text in general plastic surgery, Grabb and Smith's Plastic Surgery is now in its thoroughly revised Fifth Edition. Like its predecessors, this edition is the only comprehensive single-volume reference on the full range of procedures and techniques in plastic surgery. And for the first time, plastic surgery's fully updated classic is now on CD-ROM. The text and the CD-ROM are available for one low price. In 92 chapters, the book explains the fundamental principles of plastic surgery and microsurgery and describes specific aesthetic and reconstructive surgical procedures for various anatomic regions. More than 1,700 superb photographs and line drawings complement the text. All of the Fifth Edition's chapters are either entirely new or completely rewritten, and provide state-of-the-art information on the latest procedures, including endoscopic techniques and recent developments in laser surgery. Of special note is this edition's extensive 21-chapter section on surgery of the hand. Most of the contributors are new to this edition and all are recognized as the world's foremost leaders in plastic surgeryThis title includes an online access code.
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