Contemporary Nephrology Nursing This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Contemporary Nephrology Nursing'
Author: Sandra Bodin, MA, RN, CNN
Publisher: American Nephrology Nurses Association
Publication Date: 2017
ISBN 10: 1940325374
ISBN 13: 9781940325378
eISBN: 9781940325385
Edition: 3rd
Contemporary Nephrology Nursing (3rd edition) is an excellent resource for all nurses caring for patients with kidney disease. The textbook includes 50 chapters written by 79 expert authors. The Contemporary Nephrology Nursing textbook is meant to serve as an adjunct to ANNA's Core Curriculum for Nephrology Nursing by providing more in-depth information. This edition includes an update of all current chapters with evidence-based data and the addition of 28 completely new chapters, covering the full breadth of nephrology nursing practice. Three exciting new sections deal with nursing management of comorbidities and complications, cultural safety, health literacy, psychosocial issues in nephrology nursing, and regenerative medicine and innovations. Each chapter includes key concepts highlighting implications for nephrology nursing. Each chapter offers self-assessment questions and continuing nursing education (CNE) credit opportunities; more than 75 contact hours are available.
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