CRITICAL CONVERSATIONS Scripts & Techniques for Effective Interprofessional & Patient Communication This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'CRITICAL CONVERSATIONS'
Author: Cheri Clancy, MSN, MS, RN, NE-BC
Publisher: Sigma Theta Tau International
Publication Date: 2014
ISBN 10: 1938835468
ISBN 13: 9781938835469
eISBN: 9781938835483
Edition: 1st
Critical Conversations provides direction and solutions for deficits in healthcare that exist in verbal and non-verbal communication as well as scripting tool kits that can be applied in various situations and health care settings between nurses and colleagues and nurses and patients. Each chapter features dos and don'ts, reflective questions, and practical tools. Whether you are a new nurse at the bedside or the CNO of a major healthcare facility, this book will help you deal with gossip, harassment, and other tough topics; improve your ability to address workloads, management styles, and other tricky subjects with your managers; work with frustrated families, angry physicians, and disrespectful colleagues; overcome conversation traps that make you feel like you aren't getting your point across; improve the patient experience and effectively communicate with families.
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