Breast Cancer This title has been archived.

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Author: Alphonse Taghian, MD, PhD, Barbara Smith, MD, PhD, John Erban, MD
Affiliation: Harvard Medical School & Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston
Publisher: Demos
Publication Date: 2010
ISBN 10: 1933864443
ISBN 13: 9781933864440
eISBN: 9781935281375
Edition: 1st
The Current Multidisciplinary Oncology series edited by Charles R. Thomas will consolidate and integrate the varied aspects of multidisciplinary care for major topics in oncology, including breast, lung, prostrate, head and neck and more. The volumes in the Current Multidisciplinary Oncology series will represent all related topic areas, including oncology, radiation oncology, pain, pathology, imaging, psychological support and the primary disease. In addition, each volume will include a chapter focusing on special populations and the disease's impact / difference on them, and discussion of future directions and quality of life issues. In addition each volume will have a chapter written by a private practice oncologist. Breast Cancer: Over the course of the last decade, the treatment of breast cancer has evolved quite rapidly. New scientific and clinical advances have modified the standard of care and lead to improved patient outcomes. At the same time, the treatment of breast cancer has become increasingly complex, requiring the comprehensive review and assessment of multiple issues, genetics, radiology, surgery, reconstruction, fertility radiation, chemotherapy, and more. As a result the harmony and open communication between these specialties facilitated by a multidisciplinary team approach are crucial in providing the best care to patients and ensuring successful treatment. Breast Cancer, written by a multidisciplinary team of authors representing a range of disciplines, is a valuable resource for physicians, fellows, nurses, physician assistants, physical therapists, and all health care providers involved in the treatment of breast cancer. Current Multidisciplinary Oncology: Breast Cancer summarizes the state-of-the-art issues related to the treatment of breast cancer and describes an approach for optimal multidisciplinary care for women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer or are at higher risk to develop breast canc.
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