Infection Prevention and Control Issues in the Environment of Care This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Infection Prevention and Control Issues in the Environment of Care'
Author: JCR
Publisher: Joint Commission Resources
Publication Date: 2019
ISBN 10: 1635851033
ISBN 13: 9781635851038
Edition: 4th
Approximately 1 in 30 hospital patients develops a health care- associated infection (HAI) on any given day, and about 70,000 individuals die as a direct or indirect result of such infections each year. And the impact goes beyond hospitals and even beyond health care-these infections carry a significant financial burden, especially in low- and middle-income nations. In the United States, treating patients who develop HAIs costs billions of dollars annually. These stark facts underscore the need for a strong and consistent infection prevention and control program in every type of health care setting. Because an organization's ability to prevent and control infection is inextricably linked to its physical environment, a thoughtfully managed environment is a crucial piece in the infection prevention and control puzzle. The fourth edition of the best-selling Infection Control and Prevention Issues in the Environment of Care is designed to help infection preventionists, other infection prevention and control practitioners, and physical environment professionals collaborate to design, improve, and manage an infection prevention and control program that will protect patients, staff, and visitors from the threat of infection. This edition explores the keys to maintainting a safe, infection-free environment, which includes reducing and controlling environmental hazards and risks. It examines various infection risks, both in the United States and abroad, that can be minimized or eradicated through proper management of the physical environment. Topics new to the fourth edition include infection prevention and control and environment of care components of the compounding pharmacy, fogging for room decontamination, and establishing water management programs that are environmentally sustainable, among others.
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