Managing Mental Health Concerns in Pediatrics A Clinical Support Chart

Image of the book cover for 'Managing Mental Health Concerns in Pediatrics'
Author: Jane Foy, MD, FAAP
Publisher: American Academy of Pediatrics
Publication Date: 2021
ISBN 10: 161002544X
ISBN 13: 9781610025447
eISBN: 9781610025454
Edition: 1st
This all-new point-of-care clinical support chart aids physicians in responding to the mental health needs of their patients encountered in everyday practice. It offers practical guidance on performing brief, evidence-based pediatric interventions that (1) help the child and family in that moment, in the examination room or on the phone, or when a need first surfaces, and (2) improve the child's functioning and reduce the family's distress while one is determining whether a full diagnostic assessment and/or the involvement of mental health or developmental specialist(s) will be necessary.
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