Quality and Performance Improvement in Healthcare Theory, Practice, and Management

Image of the book cover for 'Quality and Performance Improvement in Healthcare'
Author: Patricia Shaw, EdD, RHIA, FAHIMA, Darcy Carter, DHSc, MHA, RHIA
Publisher: American Health Information Management Association
Publication Date: 2019
ISBN 10: 1584266635
ISBN 13: 9781584266631
eISBN: 9781584266990
Edition: 7th
Quality and Performance Improvement in Healthcare: Theory, Practice, and Management covers trends in healthcare quality control and performance. It presents a comprehensive introduction to the theory, practice, and management of performance and quality improvement processes in healthcare organizations. Key Features - New Check Your Understanding questions in each chapter - New four-color design - Covers current CAHIIM accreditation standards and maps chapter content to the curriculum - Each chapter reinforces understanding of performance improvement concepts and issues with case studies and real-life examples - Student projects range from designing specific improvement projects to ongoing quality monitoring and managing quality improvement programs and staff
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