Clinical Laboratory Management This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Clinical Laboratory Management'
Author: Lynne Garcia
Affiliation: LSG & Associates, Santa Monica, California
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Publication Date: 2014
ISBN 10: 1555817270
ISBN 13: 9781555817275
eISBN: 9781555817282
Edition: 2nd
This totally revised second edition is a comprehensive volume presenting authoritative information on the management challenges facing today's clinical laboratories. * Provides thorough coverage of management topics such as managerial leadership, personnel, business planning, information management, regulatory management, reimbursement, generation of revenue, and more. * Includes valuable administrative resources, including checklists, worksheets, forms, and online resources. * Serves as an essential resource for all clinical laboratories, from the physician's office to hospital clinical labs to the largest commercial reference laboratories, providing practical information in the fields of medicine and healthcare, clinical pathology, and clinical laboratory management, for practitioners, managers, and individuals training to enter these fields.
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