High-Functioning Primary Care Residency Clinics Building Blocks for Providing Excellent Care and Training

Image of the book cover for 'High-Functioning Primary Care Residency Clinics'
Author: Association of American Medical Colleges
Publisher: Association of American Medical Colleges
Publication Date: 2016
ISBN 10: 1539787591
ISBN 13: 9781539787594
eISBN: 9780000901194
Edition: 1st
High-Functioning Primary Care Residency Clinics: Building Blocks for Providing Excellent Care and Training highlights the efforts of numerous residency programs to transform the practice models in their ambulatory clinic settings. The report is organized around the components of transformed primary care models – the Building Blocks of High-Performing Primary Care – and provides academic leaders with several examples of residency programs that have succeeded in creating a better clinic model for their residents. The report provides a detailed window into programs that have made significant strides toward creating high functioning primary care models, in an effort to ensure that their residents experience the rewards of practicing primary care in clinical settings that efficiently and effectively meet the needs of the patients and populations under their care.
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