Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders in Adults Scientific Foundations and Therapeutic Models

Image of the book cover for 'Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders in Adults'
Author: Julian Ford, Christine Courtois
Publisher: Guilford Press
Publication Date: 2020
ISBN 10: 1462543626
ISBN 13: 9781462543625
eISBN: 9781462542505
Edition: 2nd
This authoritative reference on complex traumatic stress disorders (CTSDs) and their assessment and treatment has now been significantly revised with more than 75% new material reflecting a decade of advances in the field. Leading experts delve into ways to understand, engage, assess, and treat adults with complex trauma histories, whose symptoms often include but may go well beyond those of posttraumatic stress disorder. The volume presents cutting-edge theory and research on CTSDs, considers diagnostic controversies, and identifies core elements of effective, culturally responsive treatment. Established and emerging therapies specifically tailored to this population are described and illustrated with vivid case examples. Other highlights are chapters on transtheoretical treatment, the crucial role of professionalism and training, and recognizing and managing vicarious traumatization.
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