Accounting Fundamentals For Health Care Management

Author: Steven Finkler, PhD, CPA, David Ward, PhD, Thad Calabrese, PhD
Affiliation: New York University, New York, NY
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
Publication Date: 2013
ISBN 10: 1449645283
ISBN 13: 9781449645281
eISBN: 9781449645298
Edition: 2nd
Affiliation: New York University, New York, NY
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
Publication Date: 2013
ISBN 10: 1449645283
ISBN 13: 9781449645281
eISBN: 9781449645298
Edition: 2nd
At a time when health care organizations face unprecedented financial challenges, understanding financial accounting is important for all health care professionals, especially those who manage a department and a budget. Designed for both students and professionals, Accounting Fundamentals for Health Care Management, Second Edition clearly explains accounting principles and applies them to the health care environment.Critical topics such as recording and reporting financial information, depreciation, and financial statement analysis are all thoroughly covered
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