Nursing Research Reading, Using, and Creating Evidence

Image of the book cover for 'Nursing Research'
Author: Janet Houser, PhD, RN
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
Publication Date: 2023
ISBN 10: 1284226298
ISBN 13: 9781284226294
eISBN: 9781284226300
Edition: 5th
Nursing Research: Reading, Using, and Creating Evidence, Fifth Edition is a foundational text for students which teaches the basics for creating and using evidence in nursing practice. Written in a conversational tone, the hallmark of this text is its readability and the author's skillfulness in simplifying otherwise complex topics such as evidence-based care, qualitative and quantitative studies, and translation of research to practice. Evidence-based practice is an integral part of nursing. Today's nurse needs to demonstrate proficiency in reading research, determining its use in their practice, and participating in the research process. The Fifth Edition is intuitively organized around the three main competencies - reading, using and creating evidence - all of which enable the reader to translate research into evidence in a practical way. This text is intended to teach and support the clinical practice of students, professional nurses returning to school, and practicing nurses that must apply evidence to patient care.
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