Health Care Ethics And The Law

Image of the book cover for 'Health Care Ethics And The Law'
Author: Donna Hammaker, Thomas Knadig, Sarah Tomlinson
Affiliation: Director, National Institute Health Care Management & Law
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
Publication Date: 2017
ISBN 10: 1284101606
ISBN 13: 9781284101607
eISBN: 9781284101614
Edition: 1st
Health Care Ethics and the Law is a comprehensive, practical resource designed for those preparing for a career in healthcare management. In 16 chapters, the text explains and illustrates ethical principles and their application in the real world, including material that is consistently cited by the U.S. Supreme Court and the nation’s highest appellate courts. The book also explores substantive theories of classic ethicists in the Western world, along with current scholarly literature from the nation’s leading ethicists. Seasoned author Donna K. Hammaker seamlessly integrates ethical and legal concepts without overwhelming the reader with philosophies and theory. With an emphasis on interpretation, insight, and ideas, Health Care Ethics and the Law will guide healthcare professionals through the ethical decisions they will face in their everyday professional lives. Key Features: Presents over 150 ethical dilemmas that lets the reader decide the best course of action. Guides the reader through multiple ethical decision-making methods including: A framework of eight decision-making models, ten universal values, and eight principles in the American ethic.
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