Techniques in Noninvasive Vascular Diagnosis An Encyclopedia of Vascular Testing This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Techniques in Noninvasive Vascular Diagnosis'
Author: Robert Daigle, Jr. BA, RVT, FSVU, FSDMS
Publisher: Summer Publishing
Publication Date: 2021
ISBN 10: 0989932915
ISBN 13: 9780989932912
eISBN: 9780989932943
Edition: 4th
This book is the "Encyclopedia of Vascular Ultrasound Testing". In a clear and concise manner, this text explains Principles and Theory of vascular testing, and offers step by step instructions for performing vascular diagnostic vascular exams. It is an easy- to-read text that gets straight to the point of what you need to know to perform quality vascular diagnostic exams. It's an excellent preparatory text for registry exams. What's New! * Updated diagnostic protocols. * 398 pages, including 103 pages of color images and graphics. * Over 500 graphics and images. * QR codes throughout the book with links to video demonstrations of methods and case studies. * New chapters to help prepare a candidate for the vascular registry examinations. As Before: * Step-by-step instructions for performing diagnostic exams. * Tips for performing exams on difficult patients. * Chapter exercises with over 170 self-test questions. * Guidelines for accurate exam interpretation * 15 CME credits available (extra fee required) (approved until 4/1/2017)
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