Preventing Alcohol-Related Problems Evidence and Community-Based Initiatives

Image of the book cover for 'Preventing Alcohol-Related Problems'
Author: Norman Giesbrecht, PhD, Linda Bosma, PhD
Publisher: American Public Health Association
Publication Date: 2017
ISBN 10: 0875532918
ISBN 13: 9780875532912
eISBN: 9780875532929
Edition: 1st
Alcohol is a major public health issue. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), alcohol consumption is a component cause of more than 200 disease and injury conditions. All of these effects place a substantial burden on population health in terms of death and disability, making alcohol consumption 1 of the 10 leading factors with the most impact on population health. This book, edited and authored by experienced researchers and public health specialists in the field, deals with alcohol problems from a public health perspective, with a focus on prevention approaches that focus evidence-based community approaches. The book combines the latest research on community-level alcohol problems with success stories from community practitioners.
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