Health Policy and Advanced Practice Nursing Impact and Implications

Image of the book cover for 'Health Policy and Advanced Practice Nursing'
Author: Kelly Goudreau, PhD, RN, ACNS-BC, FCNS, FAAN, Mary Smolenski, EdD, MS, FNP, FAANP
Affiliation: VA Medical Center, Kansas City, MO
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company
Publication Date: 2023
ISBN 10: 0826154638
ISBN 13: 9780826154637
eISBN: 9780826154644
Edition: 3rd
Second Edition rewarded First Place AJN Award! The only policy text written specifically for APRN students, this preeminent resource delivers a sweeping examination of policy impact on the full implementation of the APRN role across all environments, including its effectiveness on specific patient populations. The expanded third edition--containing six new chapters--includes expanded information on policy analysis, nursing roles, and the impact of technology. It provides practical knowledge on developing policy to advocate for vulnerable populations--bolstered by case examples--and discusses how interprofessional education has changed and will continue to alter health policy in the United States and internationally. Additionally, the text discusses the evolving influence of the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and the implications of current and future health policy changes as they affect APRN practice. New doctoral-level content adds to the book's relevance for DNP students. The text addresses the initiative within nursing for Full Practice Authority for all APRNs, which enables them to practice to the full extent of their educational preparation. Edited by experienced APRN leaders who have been closely involved with health policy development, the text meets the requirements of the IOM report on The Future of Nursing and the DNP criteria V for the inclusion of health policy and advocacy in the curriculum. This "call to action" for APRNs is specifically designed for courses serving a variety of APRN trajectories and includes content from all APRN role perspectives in every section. New to the Third Edition: *Encompasses six completely new chapters covering Health Policy Effects on Health Systems, Telehealth, Pediatrics, Quality Initiatives, Patient Protection, and more! *Expanded to include developing roles, environments, and populations pertinent to APRNs and DNP students *Includes new information on policy development advocating for vulnerable populations *Updated to reflect the latest national nursing policy initiatives *Incorporates 2020 revised AACN Essentials and Future of Nursing Report 2030 *Includes new case studies and more practical application of content Key Features: *Chapters include Discussion Questions; Analysis, Synthesis, and Clinical Application; Exercises/Considerations; and Ethical Considerations *Explains how and why APRNs can and should influence policy development *Discusses implications of not participating in health policy decisions
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