Comprehensive Systematic Review for Advanced Nursing Practice This title has been archived.

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Author: Cheryl Holly, EdD, RN, Susan Salmond, EdD, RN, CTN, CNE, Marie Saimbert, BPharm, MLIS, MSN, RN
Affiliation: UMDNJ, School of Nursing
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company
Publication Date: 2012
ISBN 10: 0826117783
ISBN 13: 9780826117786
eISBN: 9780826117793
Edition: 1st
The only volume specifically designed to meet the objectives of DNP courses, this textbook provides the knowledge and skills necessary for DNP students and faculty and advanced practice nurses to conduct a comprehensive systematic review (CSR). It sets forth a rigorous, step-by-step approach to the process of conducting a literature search including both quantitative and qualitative studies as well as "gray" literature; extracting and synthesizing the most relevant data; using CSR in practice, and disseminating the results. This book addresses the basic concepts of systematic reviews and their relationship to clinical practice and policy, and delineates the systematic steps of this process along with the development of a systematic review proposal and clinical question. It also describes how to find and select the best available evidence and explores specific types of systematic reviews including experimental, observational and economic evidence, and the current and future use of the process. It is an essential resource for practitioners seeking to provide care based on the most current evidence-based knowledge.
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