Molecular Diagnostics Fundamentals, Methods, and Clinical Applications

Image of the book cover for 'Molecular Diagnostics'
Author: Lela Buckingham, PhD, MB (ASCP), DLM (ASCP)
Publisher: F.A. Davis Company
Publication Date: 2019
ISBN 10: 0803668295
ISBN 13: 9780803668294
eISBN: 9780803699540
Edition: 3rd
*Coverage of the application of molecular diagnostics to the clinical laboratory encompass human identification, microbiology, oncology, and tissue typing. *More than 300 line drawings clearly illustrate molecular biology concepts and diagnostic applications. *“Advanced Concepts” appear in boxes throughout the text to challenge those students interested in learning more. *“Historical Highlights” provide a historical perspective to current laboratory practices. *“Case Studies” in the clinical chapters illustrate the application of molecular biology concepts to diagnostic testing and patient care. *Study Questions at the end of each chapter reinforce the content. Answers, included in the appendix, allow for self assessment outside of the classroom.
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