Netter's Essential Physiology This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Netter's Essential Physiology'
Author: Susan Mulroney, PhD, Adam Myers, PhD
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
Publication Date: 2016
ISBN 10: 0323358195
ISBN 13: 9780323358194
eISBN: 9780323375849
Edition: 2nd
Grasp key concepts quickly with the visual, concise, and clinical approach to physiology found in this second edition of Netter’s Essential Physiology. Lucid prose combines with classic Netter art, clinical correlations, "light bulb" side notes, end-of-chapter questions, and brand-new videos to ensure a complete understanding of these complex concepts. Logically written and highly readable, it's ideal for a basic understanding of physiology, as an overview of the subject, or as a supplement to lectures.
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