Obstetric Hemorrhage This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Obstetric Hemorrhage'
Author: Carol Harvey, MS, RNC-OB, C-EFM, Gary Dildy, M.D.
Publisher: Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN)
Publication Date: 2012
ISBN 10: 0015607151
ISBN 13: 9780015607159
eISBN: 9780015607319
Edition: 1st
Obstetric hemorrhage is a major contributor to maternal morbidity. All obstetric clinicians should be prepared to identify and appropriately respond to this potentially life-threatening complication of pregnancy. This monograph provides essential knowledge and tools needed to promote more positive outcomes and provide safer patient care. The inherent need for collaboration is reinforced and clinical case excerpts are presented to support the application of concepts to practice. Strategies and ideas for preparation through simulation are also presented.
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