Peripheral Neuropathy

Image of the book cover for 'Peripheral Neuropathy'
Author: Norman Latov, MD, PHD, Lisa Shulman, MD
Affiliation: Weill Medical College of Cornell University, NY
Publisher: Demos
Publication Date: 2007
ISBN 10: 193260359X
ISBN 13: 9781932603590
eISBN: 9780977159758
Edition: 1st
Peripheral neuropathy, the variety of conditions that result when the nerves that connect to the brain and spinal cord are damaged or diseased, is commonly associated with diseases such as diabetes, HIV, alcoholism, and lupus. Although widespread — it affects 10–20 million people in the United States — information about the condition has been difficult to obtain. This essential guide explains what is known about peripheral neuropathy, including its causes and manifestations, and what can be done to manage it. Topics include drug therapy for the condition and its symptoms, interventional therapy, alternative medicines, caring for the feet, and much more. This book will enable patients to make informed decisions about their care.
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