Delmar's Guide to Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Delmar's Guide to Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests'
Author: Rick Daniels, RN, PhD
Affiliation: Oregon Health Sciences University, Ashland
Publisher: Delmar Cengage Learning
Publication Date: 2002
ISBN 10: 0766815072
ISBN 13: 9780766815070
Edition: 1st
Organized alphabetically by test and diagnostic procedure, Delmar's Guide to Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests contains a wealth of information on over 600 lab and diagnostic tests. This must have reference is completely alphabetical, indexed, and fully cross-referenced. Each test has an exceptionally straightforward and concise presentation of information. Delmar's Guide to Laboratory and Diagnostics Tests is designed to provide students and practitioners of nursing, medicine, and medical technology with the necessary information to provide comprehensive care for their clients who are having laboratory and diagnostic tests and procedures.
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