WHAT IF … SURVIVAL GUIDE FOR PHYSICIANS This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'WHAT IF … SURVIVAL GUIDE FOR PHYSICIANS'
Author: Ronald Goodspeed, MD, MPH, FACP, FACPE, Bruce Lee, MD, MBA
Publisher: F.A. Davis Company
Publication Date: 2007
ISBN 10: 0803613393
ISBN 13: 9780803613393
Edition: 1st
What If... you're starting an IV and the catheter breaks off in the vein? What If... your attending physician has you on the "hot seat" during morning rounds? What If... a patient has a gun tucked in his waistband? What If... you make a mistake? Every medical student, resident, and practicing physician worries at one time or another about events they can't foresee -- delivering a baby on an airplane, sharing very bad news with a patient, or attending to a friend who has just been struck by lightning. What If... there was a book that anticipated some of these events, provided step-by-step instructions for handling each crisis, and was presented in a simple, clear, and compelling way?
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